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A very warm welcome

Welcome to The Catholic Church of Fareham and Portchester. Our church is proud to work together within our diverse communities to share the message of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as well as the many blessings we have received.

As a place of worship, community, and love, we warmly welcome everyone to join us in celebrating and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our doors are always open, especially to those who seek comfort, guidance, and support.

We invite all parishioners and visitors to participate within the life of the parish and get involved in the many activities we undertake to support a healthy and vibrant community. Whether you are seeking spiritual nourishment, fellowship, or opportunities to serve others, we offer a wide range of ministries and programmes suitable for all ages and interests. From volunteering for ministries and visiting the sick and elderly, to participating in youth groups and Bible study sessions, there is something for everyone at our church.

Parish News and Events

Please keep up to date with parish news and activities

Prayer Requests:

PRAYERS PLEASE ‘ ...  For Danny O’Neil, Francis Hicks and Alan Cassidy, who are struggling with illness at this time - and for Geoff Gower and Tom Rooney being called by the Lord.

REST IN PEACE ‘Life is changed not ended’

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By Webmaster 05 Oct, 2024
Additional news updates released for this weekend More Here
By Webmaster 29 Sep, 2024
OCTOBER – THE MONTH OF THE HOLY ROSARY There is a definite freshness to the air and the leaves are changing colour. The Summer break, you may have had the opportunity to enjoy, seems a distant memory and the decreasing amount of daylight is noticeable. Like each season, autumn has its attractions, even if it means that winter is just around the corner. October is traditionally the month dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary. The Rosary, developed in the High Middle Ages period and the reason that October came to be devoted to its recitation, is primarily because the liturgical feast of Our Lady of the Rosary is celebrated annually on 7th October.
By Webmaster 29 Sep, 2024
DIOCESAN FORMATION DAY FOR READERS Sat 19th October, 10.30am - 2.00pm St Bede’s Church/Hall in Basingstoke. Fr Anthony Fyk, is running a formation day for readers All readers are encouraged to make time to attend this event which is being provided specifically for your formation. Please register at: liturgy@portsmouthdiocese.org.uk.
By Webmaster 29 Sep, 2024
CHRISTMAS REPOSITORY Open from Sat. 5th October in both Sacred Heart Ch and St Philip Howard Ch. Start your Christmas shopping now!
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By Webmaster 29 Sep, 2024
ALTAR SERVERS - THURIBLE TRAINING Sunday 29th September after 11am Mass We are inviting several of our more experienced and regular servers to a short training session on the why and how to assist the liturgy with the use of incense and the thurible.
By Webmaster 15 Sep, 2024
SOLENT PASTORAL AREA & PARISH ACTS 2:46-47 UNITED IN CHRIST. Gosport & Bridgemary, Lee & Stubbington, Park Gate and Fareham & Portchester OUR FOCUS ON MISSION both to, and with, a wider community is set to grow. Hopefully you have seen the notes in the newsletters and heard Cn John speak at Mass, about the changes outlined in the Diocesan Ten-Year Plan. For us locally, the Plan proposes that the Solent Pastoral Area (SPA) made up of the four parishes on the Fareham-Gosport peninsula should share their resources, talents and services with each other. How this will happen is still a long way from being decided but YOUR views are an important part of setting the agenda so you are not just invited, but are strongly encouraged, to attend one of the two Parish Open Meetings (both in St Philip Howard Hall) on: Fri 27th Sept. at 7.30pm and Sat 5th Oct. at 10.30am. PLEASE come and share your views and comments. This is your opportunity to shape the future of YOUR parish. The Diocesan Plan can be found on our website at https://www.catholicchurchfareham.org.uk/ Portsmouthdiocesenews
By Webmaster 07 Sep, 2024
‘Welcome to God’s Family!’ Next Preparation dates:  Preparation dates: Tuesday 10th Sept and Tuesday 17th Sept from 8pm These 2 sessions will be held remotely by either Zoom or Teams, and will each take about 1½ hours. Please contact the Parish Office for more information. Why not take part while “still expecting”? One less thing to worry about … please contact the parish office for details.
By Webmaster 17 Aug, 2024
EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS’ FORMATION Saturday 19th October 10am - 1pm. Immaculate Conception Church, Stubbington. Our Pastoral area (soon to be Parish) are holding a Formation session for new and existing Eucharistic Ministers. There will be reflections on our understanding of the Eucharist and good practice for helping with the distribution of Our Lord at Mass. We will also look at the ministry of taking the Lord to the sick and housebound which is a very rewarding ministry and fulfilment of the Gospel. We do need extra help with this area and hope the session will give confidence to those considering helping with this valuable offering of time and charity. A DBS and references will be required for this part of the ministry. If you are a Catholic of good standing and wish to be considered for this ministry please speak to Cn John.
By Webmaster 17 Aug, 2024
SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION -  Sacred Heart Ch Every Thursday after 10am Mass; 1st Saturday of the month 10am - 11am; Remaining Saturdays 5 - 6pm.
By Webmaster 17 Aug, 2024
ADoRE SPIRITUAL MINI RETREAT Sat 31st Aug, 10am – 1pm via Zoom More information at www.altonrenewal.com
By Webmaster 14 Jul, 2024
URGENT - Church Cleaners needed. Weds. 2pm - 3pm We urgently need more volunteers to help with SH church cleaning. For more info., please contact the Parish Office.
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By Webmaster 29 Sep, 2024
ALTAR SERVERS - THURIBLE TRAINING Sunday 29th September after 11am Mass We are inviting several of our more experienced and regular servers to a short training session on the why and how to assist the liturgy with the use of incense and the thurible.


By Webmaster 29 Sep, 2024
PARISH BEREAVEMENT “BETHANY” GROUP Thurs 17th October 10am at Sacred Heart Hall For anyone who has lost a loved one. A warm, welcoming and safe space to be … For more info: sacredheart.bethany@gmail.com
By Webmater 29 Sep, 2024
MEN’S PRAYER GROUP First Wednesdays, 7.30pm at St PH Hall A confidential, prayer and fellowship group helping us to be the best husbands, fathers, brothers and sons we can be. Contact Tom at: tom_fairman@yahoo.com
By Webmaster 29 Sep, 2024
Every other Thurs, 2pm-3.30pm, Sacred Heart Church Hall Do you have APHASIA or communication difficulties after a stroke? Come and join our friendly Conversation Group in Fareham to share a chat and have a relaxing afternoon.
By Webmaster 29 Sep, 2024
‘LITTLE TREASURES’ TODDLER GROUP Every Tuesday in Term Time, 9.30am - 11am at St PHH It costs just £1.50 for children to come and play with a lovely selection of toys and for carers to have a hot drink & biscuit. All are very welcome.
By Webmaster 29 Sep, 2024
UNION OF CATHOLIC MOTHERS ‘UCM’ MEETING Monday 16th September, 7pm at Sacred Heart Hall From 7pm for coffee/tea with the meeting starting at 7.30pm and closing at 9pm. All are very welcome!
By Webmaster 29 Sep, 2024
CAFOD’S HARVEST FAMILY FAST DAY APPEAL Friday 4th October Your donations to this appeal will help people like Daniel, a carpenter from Goma, with resources and tools to help support his family
By Webmaster 22 Sep, 2024
SOLENT PASTORAL AREA & PARISH Parish Open Meetings Fri 27th Sept & Sat 5th Oct At St Philip Howard Church Hall This Friday (27th at 7.30pm) sees the first of two important parish meetings where we will all have a chance to share our views about how we should take forward the Diocesan Ten Year plan in the Solent Pastoral Area. Don’t expect a “great reveal” telling us what the answers are because there are none as yet. These meetings are a step on the process of working it all out and they give us an opportunity to hear a brief summary of the issues we face, and then the chance to share our thoughts on what we want the future Pastoral Area to look like. Like the meetings being held in Park Gate, Stubbington and Gosport, these gatherings are a great example of the listening church that the Pope wants us to be - walking together on a Synodal path whose purpose is “to involve all the baptised”. And this means that we all have a responsibility for contributing to the plan that needs to be developed to bring the four communities on the Fareham- Gosport peninsula closer together. So ... Please put Friday 27th September at 7.30pm or Sat 5th October at 10.30am in your diary and come prepared to share your views and shape the future of YOUR parish. The Diocesan Plan can be found on our website at https://www.catholicchurchfareham.org.uk/ Portsmouthdiocesenews
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Find out about our parish news, updates and activities. Feel free to download our recent parish newsletter, or simply read our current news found within this section.


Pope Francis

If peoples are to remain brothers and sisters, prayer must rise unceasingly to Heaven, and one single word constantly echo on earth: peace.

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